What is a Wiki Site?

A wiki is a website that can be edited quickly and easily.
A person can make changes to a site at a touch of button. It is also very easy for people to comment on articles on a website.

This makes it ideal for collaborative authoring projects, such as a game design document, as it allows the full game design team to be more actively involved in the creation of a game design document.

A wiki design document is much easier to read than a traditional Microsoft Word created design document for several reasons:
1) The content can be broken down in to small segments that are less intimidating to read than a Microsoft Word page.
2) The links can be made between sections of content. This makes it much easier to navigate and jump between sections of a game design document.
3) As the viewer can leave comments, s/he is more actively involved. This makes it more likely that s/he will actually read the document.
4) A search engine can be used to quickly find key sections.

As this site is under construction, standard copyright applies. This may change once the main construction work is over. Details of the new license will appear here. Until, then Standard Copyright applies.